Tofu Veggie Grain Bowl

This is what I make on a night where “nothing sounds good” or you’re simply just “food-ed out” aka when you’ve been eating so much junk food so nothing sounds good! You can use any veggies you like! It’s easy, delicious, nutritious, and hits the spot every time.

Watch video HERE


  • 1 package Firm Tofu

  • Farro or Brown Rice

  • Cauliflower

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Garlic Powder

  • Onion Powder

  • Cayenne Pepper

  • Paprika

  • Coriander

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Olive oil

  • Avocado Oil


  1. Preheat oven to 425°F.

  2. Wash and cut cauliflower into 1/2” slices and chop brussel sprouts in halves. Season with olive oil, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, paprika, salt and coriander (I only put coriander on the cauliflower).

  3. Roast the veggies in oven for 10 minutes. Mix/flip veggies and continue to roast for another 15 minutes until golden and tender.

  4. Cook farro or brown rice according to package.

  5. Press tofu to remove as much liquid as possible and slice into your desired shape. Season with olive oil, salt, garlic powder and onion powder. Heat skills on medium high heat. Add avocado oil, add tofu and sear tofu on each side for about 2 minutes until you get a nice golden crust.

  6. Create a little grain bowl with your farro/brown rice as your base, then sides of veggies and tofu.

  7. Serve with your favorite sauce, we love sweet chili sauce or the Trader Joe/s Jalapeño sauce!


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