Butternut Squash Soup

This butternut squash soup is the easiest recipe i’ve ever made. It’s my aunt’s recipe! It’s healthy, satisfying and hits the spot every time.

Watch video HERE. Recipe below.


  • 2.5 pounds butternut squash; cubed (about 2 butternut squash, you can buy pre-cubed as well)

  • 1 medium onion; cut into large chunks

  • ~5.5 - 6 cups filtered water

  • 1 heaping tbsp chicken bouillon

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • salt

  • garlic powder

  • paprika

  • turmeric

  • heavy cream

  • fresh cracked pepper

  • Immersion blender or regular blender


  1. Chop up your butternut squash and onion and place into a large soup pot.

  2. Add water. Start with 5.5 cups water. You can always add more after you blend if soup is too thick.

  3. Season with 1 heaping tbsp chicken bouillon, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp sugar, garlic powder (season with your heart)

  4. Bring to a boil.

  5. Reduce heat to simmer and partially cover with lid.

  6. Simmer until squash is tender about 30 minutes.

  7. Blend using an immersion blender until nicely pureed. If you don’t have an immersion blender, let the soup cool, add to a blender and carefully blend until smooth and pour back into pot. If soup is too thick, add more filtered hot water until desired consistency and readjust seasonings.

  8. Season with paprika, turmeric (season with your heart) and a swirl of heavy cream about 2 tbsp.

  9. Mix, taste for seasonings and adjust accordingly.

  10. Serve hot with fresh cracked pepper.


New Arrivals: Shopbop 7.26.23


New Arrivals: Shopbop 7.19.23